

Doppel Cooling GmbH
CEO: Gunnar Doppel
Berta-Benz-Straße 16
D - 40670 Meerbusch

Telephone: +49 2159 / 92838-0
Telefax: +49 2159 / 92838-29

VAT No.: DE326 625 883
Amtsgericht Neuss HRB 20639

Picture credits

© Wang An Qi /, © djile /, © Sumax, © Cooling, © cooling, © gotoMEDIA, © coldwave, © Coldwave, © Doppel Cooling, © Doppel Cooling GmbH, © COLDWAVE, © frei zu nutzen weiterzugeben oder zu verändern - auch für kommerzielle zwecke, © Matej Kastelic /


All information and statements given on these web pages are without engagement and non-binding. Doppel Cooling does not accept any liability for the correctness and completeness of the content. There are no guarantees given or implied and no product features assured. No legal claims can be derived from the content of the web pages. Errors of the content will be corrected immediately upon our becoming aware of it. Due to time-delayed actualization the content of the web pages cannot be permanently current. Therefore, please enquire about the status, the technical details and availability of products and services. 
Links to other web sites are not continuously checked. Thus, we assume no responsibility for the contents of linked web sites.


Doppel Cooling accepts no liability concerning the correctness or freedom of error of data and software that can be downloaded from the web pages. The software is checked for virus infections by Doppel Cooling. However, we recommend that data and software are subjected to virus checks with the aid of the respective latest anti-virus software after downloading.


We cannot guarantee that information or personal data transferred to us is not intercepted in any way by third parties during transmission.Es kann nicht garantiert werden, dass Informationen oder persönliche Daten, die uns übermittelt werden, bei der Übermittlung nicht von Dritten "abgehört" werden.


The content of this website is protected by copyright. One copy of the information contained in this website may be stored on one single computer for non-commercial, personal and internal use. 
Graphics, text, logos, images etc. are not allowed to be downloaded, reproduced, copied, changed, published, distributed, transferred or used in any other form without prior written approval by Doppel Cooling. Any product and company names used may be registered trademarks or brands. Unauthorised use may lead to compensation claims and restraint orders.


Doppel Cooling does not accept liability for damage, and particularly not for direct or indirect consequential damage, loss of data, loss of profit, system or production breakdowns arising through the use of this website or due to downloading data. The exemption from liability does not apply if damages caused by using the web pages or downloading data are the result of criminal intent or gross negligence. 
The legal relationship between yourself and Doppel Cooling, resulting from your use of the web pages, is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. 
The place of jurisdiction for disputes with registered traders, resulting from the use of these web pages, is the place of Doppel Cooling. (Meerbusch) 


In the event that any data should be forwarded to service providers for the purpose of processing order data, these service providers are then respectively bound to the German Data Protection Act (BDSG), as well as other legal regulations, and by contract to the privacy policy of Doppel Cooling. Insofar as Doppel Cooling is obligated by law or court order to do so, only the legally required extent of your data will be forwarded to the respective authorities.
Doppel Cooling will not forward your data to third parties for any other purposes without your express consent.


If you should decide to request that Doppel Cooling should not use your personal data for further contact purposes and/or should delete the respective data, Doppel Cooling will comply with your instructions. Any data that is essentially required for order processing or for commercial purposes is not affected by a cancellation or deletion request. 
Please appreciate the fact that the personalised service can no longer be provided in the event of a revocation, because this service is based on the use of customer data.


Doppel Cooling stores your data on specially protected servers in Germany. Access is restricted to a small group of individuals, authorised by Doppel Cooling, who are involved in the technical, commercial or editorial administration of this server.

Certain pages of the Doppel Cooling website contain links to other websites. Doppel Cooling has no influence on the editorial content of external websites and in ensuring that the operators of external sites comply with the applied data protection regulations.


As a rule, the pages of the Doppel Cooling website do not contain advertising space. If the opposite should happen to be the case, the advertising is performed by an external ad-server. The data collected in connection with online advertising (ad-impressions, ad-clicks) is used exclusively for statistical evaluation purposes and for creating reports for advertising customers. 
No personal data will be used for this process.It is possible that cookies may be applied in the distribution of advertisements, upon which Doppel Cooling has no influence whatsoever.


Unsere Webseite nutzt externe Komponenten (Schriften von, Google Fonts, Youtube- und Vimeo-Videos, Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, eTracker). Diese helfen uns unser Angebot stetig zu verbessern und Ihnen einen komfortablen Besuch zu ermöglichen. Durch das Laden externer Komponenten, können Daten über Ihr Verhalten von Dritten gesammelt werden, weshalb wir Ihre Zustimmung benötigen. Ohne Ihre Erlaubnis, kann es zu Einschränkungen bei Inhalt und Bedienung kommen. Detaillierte Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.